ZBC Theme 2024

“1:8!” Dr. Roman shouted at our Wednesday Get In The Word bible study on the book of Acts.  Acts 1:8 tells us, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” It was the basis for the 3,000 souls added to the church in Acts chapter 2. It was what was behind the calling of deacons in Acts 6 and behind the church council in Acts 15.  All throughout the life of the early church, “1:8” motivated every action of Christ’s followers.  


Zion, everything we do as individuals and as a church should be with “1:8” in mind. Whenever we get distracted, when we get sidetracked by issues that are important and meaningful but not the “Main Thing”, what will get us back on track is the reminder of “1:8.” In your home life, at work or school, in meetings at the church, consider “1:8.” “How will my actions affect my witness for the Lord here?” “Will this decision help me make disciples for the Lord?”  “If this person bases their decision about the Lord on how I’m behaving, what would that mean?”  “1:8” must be a constant thought as we go about our daily lives.


Join me this year as we return to this early church focus and motivation: “1:8.”