At Zion Baptist Church of Ambler, The Bible is our Foundation. We teach about who GOD is; why He created us; why we need Jesus; what happens when we die; and the role of The Church – all based on The Holy Bible.
Statement of Faith
We shall, individually and collectively, be guided by the Holy Spirit to be doers of the Word of GOD. To be examples to others in how to love and be of service to others. By preaching and teaching to others, to be disciples to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Humbling ourselves to be examples to others by turning our cares over to our Lord and shall follow His direction. Giving Him praise and honor for all that He instructs us to do. (James 1:22; John 15:12; Matthew 28:19-20; Peter 5:6-7; Proverbs 3:5-7; Jeremiah 29:11)
Areas of Zion
We will address briefly five areas that define us as people of GOD including: Worship, Ministry, Christian Formation, Outreach, and Stewardship. It is our intention that this section gives further insights into Zion’s personality and challenges.
In addition to our Sunday services, we have ways to worship for everyone, all throughout the week. Check out our In-Person or Virtual Services , or take it deeper with our Prayer Meetings.
Ministerial Staff come together in an effort to build relationships with the congregation and GOD’s people through our extensive Outreach initiatives.
Prayer warriors pray for the church, the pastor and the edification of GOD’s Kingdom. Find the Ministries or Prayer Groups that are right for you
Creates fellowship opportunities for the people of the church.
Learn more about how to get involved with our Pioneer Bible Study, Sunday School, Usher Ministry and Youth Ministry.
We believe in the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus- That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that GOD raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. Romans 10:9
The Bible is the Holy Word of GOD- 2 Timothy 3:15-16
The Holy Trinity, GOD the Father, GOD the Son, GOD the Holy Spirit- 1 John 5:1-12
Jesus suffered and died on the cross for our transgressions; He is our Lord and Savior- 1 Peter 2:21-25; Acts 2:23-36
All have sin and need a Savior- John 4:42
Repentance – Seeing sin as GOD sees it and stop disobedience- Romans 12:1-2
Strong desire to seek GOD’s will and study GOD’s word. We always want to be true to the word- 2 Timothy 2:15
You must have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ- John 10:2-5; 15:12-17
We believe in the two ordinances of the Church-Baptism and Lord’s Supper- Matthew 28:19, Luke 22:14-20
We are saved by the Grace of GOD and not by any works of our own- Ephesians 2:8-9
We believe that Jesus was both fully GOD and fully man- Philippians 2:6-11
We believe that true disciples of Christ live and think according to Philippians 2:1-5
We believe that GOD wants us to tithe to the Church- Malachi 3:8-11
In the Beginning
From our humble beginnings, Zion Baptist Church strives to remain true to GOD’s calling for us. We’ve sought to be willing to step out in visionary faith and take risks for GOD, and He has blessed us for that. In looking back at our journey, we can clearly see GOD at work. This gives us hope for the future and inspires us to continue to seek to impact the Greater Philadelphia 5 County Region with the message of Jesus Christ.
Looking Back Over
127 Years of Christian Service
The Zion Baptist Church of Ambler, Pennsylvania had its inception in mid-August, 1895, in the form of a prayer group which met each Sunday evening in the home of one of the group’s members.
Areas of Zion
We will address briefly five areas that define us as people of GOD including: Worship, Ministry, Christian Formation, Outreach, and Stewardship. It is our intention that this section gives further insights into Zion’s personality and challenges.
During the pastorate of the Rev. Anthony Lane, 1901 to 1904, the Church was recognized as an independent Baptist Church and received its charter. In 1908, during the tenure of the Rev. Samuel West, the meeting hall was destroyed by fire. The congregation then purchased another building lot on Woodland Avenue where they erected a Church.
When these Christians saw the need of forming an organization of believers, GOD inspired Benjamin Knox to lead the group and subsequently became the first treasurer. They sought the assistance of Rev. Horace Wayland, pastor of the Zion Baptist Church on 13th and Wallace Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. After visiting one of their meetings, the Rev. Wayland was impressed with their sincerity and advised them to organize and secure a building in an effort to increase attendance. This advice and encouragement inspired the group and one year later, under the leadership of the Rev. Price D. Chandler, a building lot was purchased on Madison Avenue Ambler Pa. However, due to insurmountable difficulties, they decided to abandon the site. Although this move proved a financial loss, the building lot was sold and a meeting hall was purchased on North Street. Worship services were held in this building for 11 years.
In 1916, the Rev. F.H. Holden of Westmoreland County, Virginia, became pastor. Because the construction of the Church was poor, it was considered unsafe for public meetings. The decision was made that it would be more economical to purchase yet another building lot and construct a new Church, rather than make the required alterations to their present building. In 1922, $800.00 was paid for a building site on North Street and the present edifice erected at a cost of $45,000.00. The cornerstone was laid on October 25, 1925, and mortgage payments completed on November 19, 1945. When the property adjacent to the church became available at 12 North Street, it was purchased and subsequently rented.
After the Rev. Holden retired in 1960, the Rev. Thomas E. Parker, Jr., formerly of the First Baptist Church of North Carolina, became pastor on February 1, 1961. During the pastorate of the Rev. Parker, the interior of the main auditorium, lounges, and kitchen were improved and the exterior of the Church was refurbished. A house with adjoining grounds to the Church, located at 24 North Street, was purchased in 1976 and rented out. The Ila B. Coles Education Fund was established to aid aspiring young people in obtaining a college degree. Each year contributions to both foreign and domestic missions increased.
On February 10, 1980 Zion accepted the resignation of the Rev. Parker. For two years Zion functioned without a pastor. Membership continued to grow and the building fund increased. In addition, the Church purchased a van to transport the youth and seniors of the Church. The Search Committee proceeded in its task of accepting God’s designation of the new spiritual leader of the Church.
The Rev. Gerald L. Chapman, Sr., a native of Homestead, Pennsylvania, began his tenure as the 14th pastor of the Zion Baptist Church on March 2, 1982, and was officially installed on May 16, 1982. A graduate of the White Mountain Seminary in Lancaster, New Hampshire, the Rev. Chapman pastured the Saint John Baptist Church of Wilmerding, Pennsylvania and the South Hills Baptist Church of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, prior to his being directed by the Holy Spirit to the pulpit of the Zion Baptist Church. Under the Leadership of the Rev. Chapman, the church has seen considerable growth. The property at 24 North Street, now serving as the parsonage, was completely remodeled. The interior and exterior of 12 North Street were renovated. Church improvements included a new public address system, new carpeting in the sanctuary and fellowship hall, and a business office for the secretary. The bus ministry has helped to increase the membership in Sunday school and worship service, and because of this success, the church has purchased another van. The building and adjacent property at 36 North Street was purchased in 1993. In addition the Church in 1996 underwent a 1.4 Million dollar expansion project that added an overflow section to the existing sanctuary; new baptism pool, elevator, new parking lot, six classrooms, and six restrooms, the fellowship halls dedicated to former Pastors Holden and Parker received a modern kitchen, one Board Room, Church office and Pastor Study.
In January of 2018, after a lengthy search process, Zion called Rev. Ernest R. Flores, Ph.D., to be its pastor. The congregation continues to grow with new media ministries on Facebook, YouTube, Gospel Highway Internet Radio Station, and Instagram. These 21 st century modes of ministry helped Zion navigate its way through the Covid-19 pandemic, as the church began meeting on Zoom for prayer every day and night. Guest preachers were brought in along with associate ministers of Zion and Dr. Flores to teach and preach the word of God on a daily basis. Every morning, “Dr. J”, Janet Simpkins, delivered a stirring sermonette and led the people in prayer to get their days started. Zion continues to move forward through the 21 st century utilizing a plethora of ministry venues to make disciples of Jesus Christ.